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Monday, August 10, 2009

Fresh Herbs, Seasoning or Remedy?

This week we're featuring Rosemary and Sage. While we've had these at market often, including the flowers, we want to give them their due in center stage.
Rosemary has been used for everything from aiding circulation to regulating blood pressure, as an antidepressant and for migraines. It is a powerful antioxidant, is antiseptic and aids digestion. Rosemary tastes wonderful cooked with meats, eggs, fish, in soups, and in salads or salad dressings.
Sage has been linked with immortality in ancient lore. It is antispasmodic and relieves gas as well as bloating and cramps. Sage has been used to treat bacterial, viral and fungal infections, including oral infections. It also is said to help fight colds and coughs.
Both these herbs can be enjoyed as tea or as seasonings in cooking. You can't go wrong including these in your latest gourmet creation!
Aunt Farmer

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