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Monday, August 17, 2009

Eating What Is In Season

It is such fun to eat what is in season, grazing through the garden. But from what I know of nature, I am also sure there is a plan and the balance of tastes is just the beginning. For instance, in studying Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western use of herbs, dandelions just happen to be growing at exactly the right time medicinally to keep your body at peak health. This leads me to the global thought that all our vegetables and fruits are most harmonious to our systems during the season they are growing. Certainly it is true that things we think of as tasting good together happen to be growing together. Basil with tomatoes is an ideal example, and they even are good companion plants. Squash sautéed with onions,thyme and rosemary is a delight to me in these days.
While looking for less obvious recipes on the web I found some wonderful ones that I wanted to share here. These 2 are from Golden Harvest Organics (Thanks Judi for letting me post them!) and can be found on their recipes pages by clicking here

Rose Petal Soup
A surprisingly refreshing and delicious cold soup.
1 red or pink fragrant rose flower
1 pint cold water
8 ounces dry white wine
Pinch of powdered cinnamon
1 16 oz. can pitted sweet cherries, drained
2 ounces of Kirsch
1/2 pint of sour cream
4 ounces of fine sugar
Pluck the rose petals from the head. Cut away the white basal (heels) portions and discard. Put aside some petals for a garnish. Put sugar, water and cinnamon in a medium saucepan, bring to a boil. Add the cherries and reduce heat to simmer for 10 minutes. Add the wine and rose petals. Remove from the heat and allow to sit until cool. Put this mixture in the blender or food processor; liquefy it. Stir in 8 ounces of the sour cream and all the Kirsch. Refrigerate to chill thoroughly. Serve in a large glass bowl swirling the rest of sour cream on top. Scatter with rose petals and a sprinkling of cinnamon.
Yield: 6-8 servings

Cold Cucumber & Mint Soup
3 small cucumbers, peeled
1/3 cup chopped chives
1/3 cup mint leaves
2 large cloves, peeled and mashed
1 cup chicken broth
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
freshly ground pepper
1 Anaheim chile pepper
16 ounces of plain yogurt
Put all the ingredients into a food processor or blender. Process until smooth.
Whisk in the yogurt. Chill thoroughly and serve with choice of toppings like:
Chopped tomatoes, chive blossoms, minced arugula and croutons.
Yield: 4 servings

Find what's growing this season at the Tacoma Market on 6th!
Aunt Farmer

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