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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Living with the Seasons

I find it to be a wonderful enigma that the more consciously I live in a season, the more aware I am of the future seasons. We are in the midst of summer now and everywhere around us are flowers and fruits and vegetables to be enjoyed as each plant expresses itself. And yet this is also the time when I need to be seeding again plants that prefer the coolness of fall. It is the time I am deciding which seeds to save for planting next spring. It is the time when I prepare for winter meals when there will be snow instead of lush produce on my property. The future truly does depend on the now.
I am presently freezing strawberries for future smoothies and sugar peas for the future stir fry. And all the while I am watching the tomatoes grow bigger and begin to ripen. I'm collecting old recipes and thinking of new creations I want to try when they are ready. I am planning salsa, stews, chutneys and a plum sauce. I feel pressed to can vegetable stock prepared with carrots, onions, garlic, herbs, potatoes, tomatoes and a variety of lettuces. Each vegetable stock creation will change with the phases of summer and keeps my winter from being repetitive, stark and bare.
What would my future be if I hadn't been aware of it now?
Thanks for listening to my summer musings.

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