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Friday, October 2, 2009

What a Joyful Journey

Last week marked our final appearance at the 6th Avenue Farmers Market for the season. As we close the chapter on a wonderful experience I am shifting my focus, with the seasons, to a greater dream. But, as I reflect on the events of the last several months, I can say with absolute certainty that I am a different person for embarking on a partnership with nature.

We started out with an idea, a shapeless plot of land, and a group of people who wanted to work with nature to grow lovely, fresh, healthy, and flavorful produce to bring to our neighbors. As seasons blossomed from spring into summer, so too did our creativity. With seeds churning silently in their beds under the cool ground, our thoughts began to sprout.

The first sprout of creativity was Aunt Farmer's. She knew the joy and excitement of gifting beautiful, edible flowers for salads, as well as growing unique vittles like Jerusalem Artichokes. Boo Boo farmer, and her multiple tubers of genius, offered tireless research on seed providers, impeccable and rare produce, and salad ensembles for all seasons. Like the herbs (pronounced, here, clearly with the "H") that she loves so much, Black Mama farmer brought the steadfast commitment, flavor and spice to the farm and market. Without fail, Merm Farmer kept a watchful eye on our new seedlings, tirelessly leading the charge against weeds, while Poppy Farmer carefully crafted, by hand, everything we needed to bring our produce to the market. And of course our beloved friend Tina (a most unusual name in comparison) created a visual embodiment of our group, through her gift of transforming words and ideas into pictures - amazing! And, the remaining members of our Vittles crew brought the motivation, joy, love, and a desire to work with nature.

Every Tuesday at market was like a time portal back to wholesome food, people, and community. The energy of the market staff, vendors and patrons was palpable and it spilled out onto Pine St. each market day. Perhaps the most subtle reward was the beautiful weather that we had for 18 Tuesdays - a gift for working in harmony with nature.

Lastly, I want to thank all of our friends-new and old- who stopped by our booth to say hello, try our "devine" vittles, and share their enthusiasm for our produce with us and others. Those interactions brought depth to our purpose. On behalf of all of the Vittles crew, revel in the commencement of autumn and its transition into winter. We look forward to seeing you next season. We will continue to share our endeavors through this blog and hope you do the same.